Team Two Philosophy

The core of WoW is the social interaction between individuals who come together to accomplish something greater than any one player could accomplish on their own. This, in short, is called "Raiding". We at Team Two seek to enhance this experience through our unique raiding atmosphere. Our goal is to maintain a friendly, mutually respectful, and productive raiding environment. We actively encourage an adult dialogue with focus on progressing through content. What this means is we enjoy having ridiculous obscene conversations while running a train on raid bosses.

If this moderately competitive and off-color atmosphere sounds like a good fit please fill out an application and contact our recruitment officer Hkbreath. 

Team Two Attendance Policy

We expect all progression raiders to make raid times unless prior arrangements have been made. We also expect raiders to be at the raid for the full duration. As always "REAL LIFE COMES FIRST" and we understand that sometimes circumstances cause conflicts with attendance and a raider is not able to notify the Guild. This is excusable if it happens once or twice, but if this occurs more than twice in a 4 week period a person’s raid slot will be replaced. In the world we live in, it is too easy to post on the forum or log in real quick and let someone know. All we ask is that if work or your personal life is foreseeably going to interfere with The reason for this is we base our raid comps on predicted attendance. If a person no-shows it adversely affects raid performance and morale. The reason for this is we base our raid comps on predicted attendance. If a person no-shows it adversely affects raid performance and morale. Also leaving early or showing up late without notice causes the same negative consequences.

To Sum Up:

If you can’t make certain days or times let an officer know. If you are sick or there is an emergency we understand, and it is acceptable to let one slip. If it becomes a pattern you will be replaced. If you don’t make the effort neither will we.

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